Saturday, January 3, 2009

street dogs

I want a roof over my head when it’s either too hot or when it’s raining like hell. I want a huge lawn where I can play carefree of any accident. I want food that lasts a lifetime so that I don’t have to sleep hungry a day in my life. I want a bed that protects me from cold in the freezing winter nights and lastly I want someone who calls me his own, loves me like his child so that I’m alone no more; and I want the same for the millions of my like in this world.

I really don’t know as to how a stray dog feels yet I’m sure these are some of a few things that he would want. Daily I see a hundreds of them everywhere on the road. They look so weak and fragile and some are so scared that even if you try to feed them they run away. They’ve become the helpless morons of the society who are vaccinated constantly not for rabies but with some chemical that leaves them impotent so that they can’t bear puppies in the future. That is so human on our part, isn’t it? But imagine if people were dragged like them to the foul smelling clinics and injected for impotency how would it feel? I am so sure all the human rights activists will march down till the India gate to light candles, will demolish the clinics or will pass some extreme law; but then we are talking about the human right activists, they are taken seriously. Had it been for some animal rights activist he would have been ignored absolutely! That is not all we make such an issue when we cant have babies, we go through so much emotional fatigue everyday; can’t we think the same for the dogs? I really have no clue about how they feel but if we are born with a reproductive system no one has the right to take it away from us. I know some think I am overdoing it by writing some piece of crap about the social garbage of the society but remember people dog is the only faithful animal, and you need to have emotions to be so faithful, don’t you?

In fact this is not all I’ve seen young kids throw stones at dogs, imagine the sadists our society is breeding. It’s not their fault it’s our fault that we’ve chosen to become blind. There are a number of people who want to help yet they are called lunatics. Now some will say where a million of street kids don’t get to eat anything I’m troubling them for the street dogs but the point is that the kids at least speak, and you understand; not that it makes a difference to those who’ve already shut their eyes. Imagine the plight of a speechless animal who barks and ‘because you can’t understand what he is saying either hit him or shun him away. He can’t speak and he has no one to blame neither the society nor the government. He is the victim and to him most of us are the terrorists.

Hit and runs are so common in the news these days yet so many dogs are killed in accidents everyday, does anyone bother? Either people get a pleasure in doing so or they think dogs aren’t worth living; but then who gave them a right to decide? Why isn’t there a law for the protection of the dogs or the animals as such?

to be cont....


We are all civilized, or I must say over civilized. Our children need no toilet training since the time they are born, it’s innate, you see we are post modern.

We’ve crossed all limits of modernity, but what do our history books say? They talk about the third world war, the massive carnages that took place in the past the irregular governments, the rise of a new dictator, the fall of democracy. They talk about over indulgence, forgotten innocence. Some feelings will stay words, just words with no meaning to any person alive or dead. I just leaped into the future for a while and it looks bleak. Kids have guns for toys and teenagers have tanks for cars so that they don’t leave any trace of the people they happen to meet on the road accidentally.

This is post modernization, thank god all that I had to read was modern history and all this while I thought it was the worst to have happened to mankind. Thank god I won’t live to see the post modernizing era; or probably I won’t have to mug it up to belch it out in exams. Who wants to learn non-sense? That is how it sounds sheer non sense! Read the newspapers today and read about the Beijing truce signed between china- Pakistan. Scares me! Is it the coming of the third world war? Is it India’s time now? Or shouldn’t I worry about dying in the nuclear war because I read another article on global warming, seems death has given us some options like this- or like that. Two trillion tonnes of land ice has melted in the Antarctica, it is so not funny, the worst is I don’t know how to swim! So my kids will know that kind of history? Anyway my kids will of course know about how the former president the grand Jr. Mr. Bush was treated in Iraq after retirement. The only blow in the face that he ever got was by the Iraqi journalist Al-Zaidi. The latter is a hero now! Well this may sound connected or disoriented but it reminds me of the Italian poet Gabrielle de annunzio. Well in no way are we heading into a third world war yet this means that things are again out of order. Poets and journalists look better with a pen than a weapon in their hand after all they are considered the elite’s of the society. Seems in some places people are again taking things into their hand. Seems law and order has again lost its meaning. Eventually means we need to grow up and not make it worse for those alive and those still unborn.

We don’t want another Hiroshima and Nagasaki, do we? We need to look closely into the realm of the two cities because the people born there are still carrying the scars of the past, newly born kids still carry the deformities, ages have gone by and they are still dreading the past. All that was then, 63 years back when it was an atomic bomb this time it will be worse. That time the cities could be located on the maps easily this time the war will leave no trace. Things will perish; civilization will come to an end like they never existed before. So is this the history we’re all looking forward to??????